• expired

Everyday Low Priced Groceries: Essentials Tomatoes Diced 400g $0.90 @ Countdown


After a tough start to the year, it looks like Aotearoa is starting to get back to some sense of normality, which I know will be a relief for everyone. From our whānau to yours - thanks for sticking by us through Omicron.

As we head into the chillier months, the cost of living is understandably top of everyone’s minds and it’s affecting everyone. Every week we get cost increase requests from our suppliers because their costs are going up too. Unfortunately when things like raw materials, fuel, feed, fertiliser or transport go up, suppliers increase the cost of their products and we have to put prices up to cover this.

To help, this Monday, we’re launching the Great Price Winter Freeze and freezing the price of more than 500 essential products like Odd Bunch carrots, Essentials rice, and Countdown’s famous medium hot roast chicken. You can count on these prices, no matter when you shop at Countdown.

We’ll also still have more than 3,000 products on Great Price as well as thousands of specials every week, our famous Onecard Rewards, and free Pick Up* for online shoppers. There’s some fantastic seasonal produce coming your way too, with delicious new-season apples, pumpkin, carrots, onions, potatoes and mandarins heading into stores, which will make for great value, seasonal buying - not to mention great eating.

We are deeply committed to making Kiwis’ lives a little better every day, and you can rest assured of our commitment to continue to work hard to do so. Make sure you check out the Great Price Winter Freeze to help with some certainty in these uncertain times.

Related Stores

Woolworths (Formerly Countdown)
Woolworths (Formerly Countdown)

closed Comments

  • +4

    What exactly is the deal OP?

    • Well, it is Countdown so I guess it's surety that prices on these items wont be going up further. Perhaps it would be better as a talking point in the forum though?

      • +1

        Possibly. The point of a deal is the fact that the price is better compared to elsewhere. Are the 'frozen' prices better compared to elsewhere?

        • -1

          Value chopped tomatoes in juice 1.09 at P&S, $1.29 for Pams. 90c for Essentials diced tomato's at Countdown in this great price freeze deal

          • @Madao: Sweet. I've added it to the title. Might convince mods to not delete it.

          • @Madao: PnS Albany has it at 85c for a few weeks now if ur around there.

            • -1

              @nzninja97: Fair enough, I just looked at tomatoes for a quick comparison as it was on top of their list of 641 items on the link.

              Perhaps there's no real deals there, I dunno, I just thought it was interesting Countdown has put something out there so happy for people to pick it apart and show its a poor token effort from them

  • +5

    90c for a tin of tomatoes doesn't sound like a deal to me?

    Pretty sure I've normally been paying 85c at PNS for their own brand for some time now.

    • Yeah, we usually get them at PNS for 69-80c.

      Would be good if OP/anyone else could share any good deals they discover? I had a quick look and couldn't find anything else of note.
      I did note that colby 1kg cheese is $13.5 a block. It must not be on the winter specials list.

      • Cheese was $11.80 at Countdown quite recently. Hey let's put it up another $1.70 then freeze the price for a PR stunt!

  • +17

    This feels like a Countdown PR campaign (and not a deal). I'd vote to delete it.

    • +1

      I'd prefer to leave it and use it as a chance for people to be active in the comments and find us some real deals (and also cause some damage to Countdowns PR lol)

      • +1

        Fair enough about the discussion, but it should be moved to the forum, as it is clearly not a 'deal' (in fact more expensive than other options).

      • I guess at least these items won't be rising in rise for a while? But quite a few things such as cheese is cheaper at pacnsave. I suggest people use the grocer.nz app, it is great.

    • Agree

  • +8

    CD is the most expensive supermarket now, freezing their "normal" prices is useless

  • +2

    Here for the chat.

    • +6

      same. Michael Jackson eats popcorn gif

  • +8

    Translation, "please keep shopping with us, we do not want The Warehouse to join the duopoly"

  • +3

    Haven't they just puts prices up though? For example Bananas have gone from $2.99 to $3.30 in mine despite it not being a seasonal fruit.

    • +1

      By all accounts tinned tomatoes have increased lol

      • Another example, their home brand cones were $2 recently, now they are $2.50, which is a 25% increase

  • +3

    Sounds like Countdown propaganda to me :^)

    • agreed

  • -1

    I hope they do some Price Freeze signs to put on the shelves to along with the Great Deal, Club Deal, Special, Clearance and Everyday Deal signs that already clutter up every shelf on every bay down every isle in every Countdown store.

    • great deal


      10c off $3.19

  • I've never upvoted so many comments since the last time I was on Reddit. And that way back in 2016!

  • +1

    So it's effectively a reinstatement of their old Price Lockdown promotion.

    It's similar to what they're doing in Aus, only they've actually dropped prices there.

  • +4

    There is also a Reddit post about this.
    One of the comments:
    My mum works for Countdown and she's a part of adjusting pricing in store as to what Countdown has changed. On Monday she had literally hundreds of products she had to go and adjust the pricing on. Now Countdown is doing their "price freeze". It's annoying that they're trying to look like they're doing something to help customers when in reality they've just bumped a bunch of things up to hold it at that increased price over winter.

    • All true, but many (perhaps most) people are not all that smart, and are easily fooled by the marketing, rather than thinking about it for themselves.

      Consider how many people buy branded products at objectively rip-off prices, and justify it to themselves (and others) by believing that it is somehow 'better quality', when the reality is quite different.

      How many people parrot what their parents / grandparents told them:

      'You get what you pay for'

      It has never been true, but because grandma told them it was so, they just believe it.

  • Jack up the prices, then "freeze" them for an unspecified amount of time.
    Reverse sale?
    Let's see what they do once Costco/Warehouse ramp up to fill the gap.

  • Countdown is expensice, i normally shop at both countdown and PnS, last week i noticed branded smoked chicken breast 300g such as Tegel and Hellers selling between $8.50 to $9 at PnS, and at countdown they sell their own branded for $12.

  • New World / PNS have announced that from next Mon, 16 May 2022 and for three months, they are actually reducing prices (by around 10%) on a load of items to what they were averaging in Jan to Apr 2021 - this is nationwide I believe.

    Pretty much trumps Countdown entirely.

    • Interesting that they come out and cry that "Greater competition will not reduce prices" and then go and prove that competition does reduce prices when they decide to out do the other for some cheap brownie points, or to try and manipulate the government into not implementing extra regulation of their industry.

      • I must have missed FoodStuffs saying that.

        It seems an unlikely statement for them to have made as simple economics tells us otherwise.

        • From memory it was someone from Countdown that said it during the ComCom process, can't find the exact article though. It wasn't that crude, but they were implying as much in their argument that having another competitor in the market wouldn't result in prices dropping.

          • @Kiwi: These price reductions are from FoodStuffs, not Woolworths (Countdown), so not very fair to cast FoodStuffs as the bad guys for reducing prices and call them out for something that their competitor might or might not have said.

            • @Alan6984: My initial reference was more around the tit for tat nature of Countdown announcing a "Price lockdown" and then Foodstuffs following suit with their own implementation of a similar policy, thus proving that competition and perception does in fact result in consumers being better off, which we clearly both agree on. To be fair "They" should've been "Countdown", but I'm sure they both had a similar view on wanting to stifle competition to maintain their own profit margins.

              • @Kiwi: Wanting to stifle competition is a world away from stating that competition would not help keep prices down - in fact wanting to stifle competition is clearly indicating that competition really would keep prices lower, and hence profits lower.

                Somehow I doubt that your original statement (even substituting Countdown in as the 'they') was correct at all - however, I would be happy to be proven wrong if they did say it. It just sounds highly implausible.

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