• expired

2-Ply 32 Rolls Soft Touch Toilet Paper $10 @ The Warehouse


New covid case in NZ! Time to stock up on TP ;)

Don't forget to use the free shipping code linked.

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The Warehouse
The Warehouse

closed Comments

  • Here we go again…

  • +6

    This will be $150 on TradeMe in a few days time…

  • +5

    Wait until Countdown removes all their promotional pricing again like last level 4 lockdown and we pay top dollar for toilet paper and many many other products . Makes we wonder why we still shop with them .

    • Yep, immediately yanked all the promos and then they hide behind that when claims of gouging came out. Epic scumbags especially given the status they had during last lockdown.

    • +2

      Won't that please the commerce commission if the items that have been on special for the last 6 months finally comes off sale?

      • new world already started, just got back and nothing on special.

    • +4

      I guess this will be an unpopular opinion but I have no problem with the cancellation of sales during the brief level 4 lockdown periods. The queues at supermarkets show how quite a few people are going to behave, making things worse for us all.

      Over the past few weeks I've bought around 30 1.5L soft drinks because they were on special and that's what "shopping normal" is for me. I'm not the only one you can easily see it by observing other shoppers and I don't mean the obvious dairy owners. (Most get less than me, but that still adds up fast when there are a lot of people.) And if you go at certain hours, it's obvious how rapidly stock can move during sales and how much they need to restock.

      But if you remember what it was like during the last level 4, even without specials there were still runs on lots of goods. Sure they can limit quantities but that's often a weak solution and can perversely encourage dangerous practices like going 2-3x a week or even multiple times a day.

      The trouble is we're way too reliant on special prices here in NZ especially for Countdown since the regular prices are so ridiculous. That's what we need to solve rather than worrying about the loss of specials for a few weeks during a level 4 lockdown. And as others have indicated, these specials also tend to come at a big cost to the suppliers. What we need are for regular prices to be far lower, with specials not being such a big deal.

  • Anybody used these before? Are they as soft as they claim?

    • +15

      Don’t get used toilet paper man, that’s gross

    • +1

      Pretty good for 2ply and especially for the price, I normally go the 12 pack of extra long when they are on special for $5 now though

    • These cheap brands are never worth it to me, as they're always loosely rolled so wind up with comparable sheet counts to smaller-quantity packs from "better" brands. You're paying for a lot of plastic and cardboard with these things, too

    • They are good , ie thick soft , I like them , easy to tear ,

  • +2

    Seems to be the normal price?

    • +1

      yeah but no fighting for them at the supermarket :)

      • and free shipping

  • +2

    This is brillant, I love how you react so quickly

  • thanks, 64 rolls on their way!

  • Also on the market, free shipping and 5% off. Just need to spend $49.

  • I can tell you now this toilet paper is not worthy of the poo it wipes. It is aweful. 1/2 ply would be apt. Highly unrecommended.

    • It's just doubled in value from 6pm

  • Necessities Brand Toilet Tissue 40 Pack White $9.00

  • Is NZ post going to deliver at level 4?

    • +1

      Yes but the time delay may make it not worth it if they get overloaded/staff choosing not to work etc.

    • +1

      Just as last time yes. Delays will be caused due to covid restrictions in processing sites. Distancing and capped employees on the floor

  • I genuinely laughed at loud at seeing this!

    • upvote just for deal of the month potential

      • Maybe a new badge : lockdown special deal. Any moderator looking 😜

  • I'm surprised people still haven't figured out how much toilet paper they need or how long it lasts or use so much toilet paper. I bought way too much toilet paper in November 2019 because it was on a special I hadn't seen in a while (although started to get more common in between locksdowns), and only finished it IIRC earlier this year. Only 2 people in my household but still. 24 rolls of regular length generally last several weeks. Yet somehow so many people desperately needs way more toilet paper and this week is the week everyone ran out?

    • Panic eh. People are acting as if supermarkets are closed for the rest of the week.

      • The same thing happens every year the day after Christmas, the supermarkets are there full of people, it's like all supermarkets have been closed for a month not just one day.

  • +5

    3-ply for life

    • Cant live without it

  • +6

    don't wipe just shower after poop

    • +3

      not be able to do this after watercare raise the fee!

  • These are surprisingly good.. lol

    Softer than cottonsofts 😂

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