duncdis » user profile

Member Since 07/05/2018
Last Seen 52 min 31 sec
Location Kapiti Coast

Recent Activities

I think perhaps I've just been a bit unlucky then with the branches / staff members I've visited to try and use mine as although I did show…
11/04/2024 - 18:55
Oh God I would definitely avoid this after the difficulties I had last time I got this same seal (December). You can only redeem using the…
08/04/2024 - 18:12
Be in to WIN one of three Gift Vouchers at [The Clean Kapiti](https://www.facebook.com/TheCleanKapiti) To celebrate completing our first…
06/12/2018 - 11:47
Touchwood Cots are giving away one of their 4 in 1 safety cots that retail for nearly 900 bucks. It's one of those viral type comps where…
07/05/2018 - 19:59
duncdis joined ChoiceCheapies.
Welcome aboard!
07/05/2018 - 19:53